If you are finding it difficult to buy your normal cleaning chemicals, the good news is there are many frugal cleaning supplies that you probably already have in your home.
You don’t have to use harsh chemicals to keep your house clean so give these natural alternatives a try.
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You Don’t Have to Use Chemicals to Clean
Cleaning chemicals do make cleaning the bathroom or kitchen easier. But there is a downside in that many of them can cause skin and nasal irritation. They also can pose a hazard to kids and pets.

However, you don’t have to rely on these cleaners all the time. Simple things you usually neglect can be used as great cleaning alternatives. Read more about frugal cleaning tips here.
White Vinegar
Acid kills bacteria. But while white vinegar is acidic, it is mild enough that it doesn’t irritate your skin. However, it does eliminate soap scum, lime scale, and grease.
If you want to polish your windows, just mix a cup of vinegar in a cup of hot water. Dip a clean cotton cloth in it, and wipe surfaces.
White vinegar also has practical uses in carpet cleaning. Mix one cup of vinegar to a gallon of water. Soak a brush in it, and use it on your dirty carpets and rugs. You can use the same mixture on brickwork.
Mix equal amounts of vinegar and olive oil to get rid of water rings on wood tabletops. Or leave a bowl of vinegar in a room overnight to remove stubborn smells.
Baking Soda
You can use baking soda to get rid of strong odours inside your fridge. You can also use it to get rid of grease and grime. Its abrasive properties make it good for cleaning worktops, sinks, and baths.
Do you have clogged drains? It’s hard to soften the trapped sludge in there, but try pouring baking soda into the drain and then dripping white vinegar. Watch out for the foam. Next, pour in hot water, and see if that works.
Carpets and rugs are difficult to clean. Some people have them serviced by professionals. Keep them fresh with this simple technique. First, sprinkle baking soda all over the carpet or rug. Leave it for fifteen minutes, after which you can run your vacuum cleaner over it. You can also sing the ‘shake and vac’ song if you are old enough to remember it!

Combs and hairbrushes get very dirty after weeks of combing. Who wants to use a comb with trapped dirt in between its teeth? Dip it in some water with a teaspoon of baking soda.
You can also use baking soda to polish your floor tiles. Mix half a cup into a bucket of warm water. Use a mop.
Just like vinegar, baking soda has loads of household cleaning uses.
No, don’t make a gin and tonic. The juice of this fruit is a naturally occurring bleaching agent and deodoriser. But its scent is the reason why you may like it.
Lemon juice eliminates grease and stains. It polishes surfaces. It also gets rid of mould and mildew.
Dilute lemon juice, and keep it in a spray bottle. Use this to keep your worktops clean without enduring the annoying smell of bleach in the kitchen.
Olive Oil
Who thought of using olive oil to clean stuff? Coupled with salt, it can be used to scour pots and pans. Or you can mix it with lemon juice or vinegar to polish wood. It’s also great for polishing stainless steel and brass. Restoring the natural sheen of your copper cookware is possible by using lemon dipped in salt and olive oil. You can actually use olive oil to lubricate glassware without leaving a greasy feeling.
This common ingredient in our favourite food has properties that make it an excellent cleaning and deodorising agent. For instance, people use it to deodorise their refrigerators. Some homeowners have also used it as a stain remover to get rid of wine stains on cotton or linen. Mixed with lemon juice, it can be used to remove mildew. You can brighten curtains and rugs by washing them in a saltwater solution.

You can try other natural cleaners. One thing that wasn’t mentioned above is borax because some people think it’s hazardous. But it’s actually no more irritating than baking soda.
Frugal Cleaning Supplies are a Healthier Choice
In many cases, you may use two or three of them together. As you can see, vinegar and baking soda can be used for cleaning and de-clogging purposes. You can add essential oils to white vinegar for a cleaning solution that smells fresh.
These alternatives to commercially sold household cleaners and bleaches are not only effective but also safe, gentle on the skin, and environment-friendly. They are cheaper too so if you are saving money switch to these frugal cleaning supplies.
I have used natural cleaners for about 8 years and have not gone back to the chemical cocktails I used to use.
Vinegar is definitely my go-to for streak-free window cleaning in spring. I learned a few other tips here though… brilliant!
Yep, vinegar is great. I do go through a lot of it though!
Thoroughly enjoyed your post!! Always looking for common sense products to clean my home without the fear of leaving behind harmful ingredients that could poison a pet or child.
Thanks and glad you enjoyed it. Yes, having a terrier who is in to everything does make you rethink what you use in your home and garden. But you also need it to work without costing a small fortune. Finding this sort of cleaning product is not as easy as it should be!